If you want to make a complaint about an item you have purchased from, please email us at before expiry of the product warranty. We will consider your complaint and rectify it to the best of our ability. You will be asked to send some photos of the product damage and to provide a good description of the problem before we can find the right solution for your complaint. Based on your photographs, we will assess whether the complaint is based on a deficiency of manufacturing of material nature, or whether it is due to normal wear and tear.
If we find that your complaint is justifiable, we may either rectify it by sending spare parts that you will easily be able to fit yourself, provided of course that you can accept this solution. Or, alternatively, we will exchange the item. In such cases we need to find the best solution in partnership with the manufacturer. We will then get in touch with you again as soon as possible. If the warranty on the product has expired or if you have damaged your furniture by accident, you are of course still welcome to contact Customer Service.
If you have any further questions.... please feel free to contact Customer Services at this email address:
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Brand and Marketing
We deliver effective branding and marketing campaigns that will help to maximize your brand exposure and generate the right sale leads. We ensure that your brand messages are delivered to the right targeted audience.
We offer affordable video marketing and online video advertising that are entertaining and compelling for your organization. Our team provides professionally produced video presentation on businesses, brand stories, famous personalities and more.
We not only do your design artwork but also, provide affordable printing services for you. Our services range from consultation, graphic design and conceptualisation to offset printing, digital printing and large format printing.
Domain Hosting
Every organization needs a website to promote their business, and every web creation begins from having a domain name registration to secure the URL. Here, we offer affordable and reliable 24/7-domain booking and hosting services for your organization.